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Achieving ESG Excellence: How SupplyOn Supports Supply Chain Sustainability

As the number of increasingly stringent ESG regulations from the EU continues to grow, companies are faced with the challenge of rethinking and adapting their business models, production processes, and strategies. Digital tools and platforms play a crucial role in helping businesses meet their ecological responsibilities while maintaining economic competitiveness. One such solution is the ESG Suite from SupplyOn. SupplyOn is a global provider of web-based Supply Chain Management (SCM) solutions, connecting over 140,000 companies worldwide. In response to current challenges, SupplyOn has extended its solution offering with multiple ESG software modules under ESG Suite. SupplyOn’s shareholders include Bosch, Continental, ZF and Schäffler. The ESG Suite: A Comprehensive Toolbox The ESG Suite from SupplyOn offers companies a robust set of tools to address these challenges. It enables centralized management of sustainability data and the integration of ESG-related processes across the entire value chain. This allows companies to meet the required ESG standards, create transparency in the supply chain, and achieve their corporate ESG goals. Designed for companies of all sizes, the ESG Suite ensures a compliant, transparent, and focused transition towards sustainability. Building on SupplyOn's existing network, the suite comprises three pillars: Human Rights Due Diligence (LkSG Risk Manager, CSDDD) and Carbon Management (CCF Calculator, CBAM Manager). Human Rights Due Diligence: LkSG Risk Manager The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) aims to ensure that human rights and environmental standards are upheld in international supply chains. Implementing these requirements is complex, involving comprehensive risk analysis to identify specific requirements and the company's individual exposure. Risk mitigation measures must be developed and implemented, and their effectiveness must be monitored. The LkSG Risk Manager from SupplyOn addresses these challenges by providing a tool tailored to the LkSG requirements. It helps companies achieve the necessary transparency and documentation, supports risk identification both internally and throughout the supply chain, and enables monitoring and reporting in accordance to legal requirements. Key functionalities include supplier mapping, abstract risk analysis by country and product, concrete risk analysis for high-risk suppliers, implementation of preventative measures for prioritized high risks, remediation actions for identified risks, and the creation of BAFA reports within the tool. Carbon Management: CCF Calculator Understanding and managing a company's carbon footprint (CCF) is crucial for environmental impact assessment. The CCF includes both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. Accurate calculation of the CCF helps organizations identify critical areas, set realistic reduction targets, and develop strategies to reduce their carbon footprint, in alignment with international standards like the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) and ISO 14064. SupplyOn’s CCF Calculator enables companies to calculate, manage, and report their greenhouse gas emissions according to recognized standards. This tool simplifies the detailed CO2 analysis process, allowing companies to quantify and assess both direct and indirect emissions across all operational areas. Automated reporting features facilitate compliance with disclosure requirements such as ESRS. The tool’s dashboard provide an overview of current and past carbon footprints and track progress toward achieving set targets. Collaborative functionalities support coherent and coordinated climate management efforts within the company. Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: CBAM Manager The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is an EU regulation aimed at preventing carbon leakage by imposing a CO2 price on the import of certain emissions-intensive goods into the EU. Effective since October 1, 2023, CBAM initially mandates reporting obligations, with full implementation requiring companies to purchase CBAM certificates from 2026 onwards. The CBAM Manager from SupplyOn automates data collection and consolidation from suppliers and production sites outside the EU, tracks CO2 prices paid abroad, and calculates remaining emissions to be priced. For reporting, the CBAM Manager generates an XML document that can be directly uploaded to the CBAM transitional registry. SupplyOn's Holistic ESG Solution SupplyOn's ESG Suite provides a holistic solution covering all relevant ESG application areas, ensuring compliance with dynamic regulatory and economic requirements. Future developments will further expand the suite to include additional regulations like the EU Forced Labor Ban, making ESG criteria an essential part of supply chain management. SupplyOn offers webinarsand user training for its ESG tools, ensuring that both customers and their suppliers understand what data needs to be exchanged. Future plans include building extensive educational content and an ESG knowledge hub. By preventing greenwashing through user-friendly tools, comprehensive educational materials, and rigorous validation processes, SupplyOn ensures that its solutions support genuine sustainability efforts. The suite’s integrability with various corporate systems and its capacity to centralize ESG data aim to eliminate fragmentation and provide a single source of ESG data for compliance and transparency. Conclusion SupplyOn's ESG Suite is designed to help companies navigate the complex landscape of ESG compliance. By leveraging digital tools for human rights due diligence, carbon management, and sustainability reporting, businesses can enhance their sustainability efforts, ensure regulatory compliance, and achieve their ESG goals with confidence and clarity. But don't just take our word for it! Hear Dr. Thomas Schulte from Bosch, one of our esteemed customers speaking at the Automotive Decarbonization And Sustainability Summit about their journey towards sustainability with our solutions. Your browser does not support the video tag.
SupplyOn ESG · 11. June 2024 - reading time < 5 Min.
Achieving ESG Excellence: How SupplyOn Supports Supply Chain Sustainability