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LkSG risk management: Excel vs. SupplyOn Software

The Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) compliance requires a nuanced approach that goes beyond the functionality of tools like Excel. Considering the operational realities and challenges faced by companies in the last 2 years, a structured comparison between using Excel and SupplyOn's LkSG Risk Management Software illustrates a clear choice for companies looking to fulfill LkSG requirements this year. Excel for LkSG Compliance: Operational Realities 1. Data Management and Integrity Challenges: In Excel, maintaining the integrity of vast amounts of supplier data across complex supply chains can lead to significant discrepancies, risking non-compliance. Excel lacks automated alerts for data anomalies or updates, placing the burden of continuous data checks on you. 2. Risk Assessment Limitations: Performing dynamic risk assessments with Excel is cumbersome. The manual aggregation and analysis of data to identify risks among direct and indirect suppliers are prone to oversight and inaccuracies. 3. Collaboration and Reporting Inefficiencies: Excel’s static nature hampers real-time collaboration. Sharing updated risk assessment and status quo with customers can be delayed, leading to outdated decision-making. Preparing compliance reports for regulatory bodies is 100% manual and time-intensive, diverting resources from strategic compliance activities. SupplyOn's LkSG Risk Manager: A Structured Approach 1. Enhanced Data Management: SupplyOn provides a centralized platform for managing supplier data, ensuring high data integrity and accessibility. It automatically updates and flags inconsistencies, facilitating proactive compliance management. The platform's supplier mapping feature offers a comprehensive view of the supply chain, including indirect suppliers, significantly reducing the risk of oversight. 2. Sophisticated Risk Analysis: The tool conducts abstract risk analysis considering both country risk and granular level product risk that were developed on the basis of BAFA recommended risk databases. This enables precise identification of high-risk suppliers in preliminary scoring. Based on the abstract risk scoring, the tool detects the high risk suppliers and sends concrete risk specific survey questions – but only for the high risks to keep effort minimal for suppliers. Automated risk prioritization feature on the tool allows to focus on appropriate risks and apply necessary measures. Conduct preventative and remedial actions and track the effect of the measures to have a better view on risk reduction. 3. Streamlined Collaboration and Reporting: SupplyOn fosters real-time collaboration among all internal users including suppliers. This ensures that everyone is informed and can act promptly on required matters. Streamlined creation of BAFA report using the designated fields ensures high accuracy of a better report. The Structured Advantages of SupplyOn over Excel Automated vs. Manual Processes: Where Excel relies on manual entry and analysis, SupplyOn automates risk assessments, data management, and reporting, significantly reducing the potential for human error and increasing efficiency. Dynamic Risk Management:Unlike Excel’s static data sets, SupplyOn offers dynamic risk management capabilities, automatically adjusting risk priorities as new data becomes available or as the supply chain evolves. Integrated Compliance Framework: SupplyOn provides an all-in-one platform for LkSG risk management, from supplier mapping and risk analysis to measure management and reporting. Excel, by contrast, requires multiple spreadsheets and manual integration of data for a comprehensive view. Resource Optimization: SupplyOn's streamlined and automated processes free up valuable resources, allowing companies to allocate more time to strategic initiatives rather than tedious manual compliance tasks. In summary, while Excel may offer a familiar interface, it falls short in addressing the real-world challenges of LkSG compliance. SupplyOn's LkSG Risk Manager, with its structured approach to data management, risk analysis, collaboration, and reporting, offers a comprehensive and efficient solution. This platform not only simplifies compliance efforts but also enhances the strategic capability of companies to manage their supply chain risks proactively. Click here to request a software demo from our LkSG experts
SupplyOn ESG · 20. March 2024 - reading time < 4 Min.
LkSG risk management: Excel vs. SupplyOn Software